Colombian President Petro Rejects Far-Right Call for Coup

May 23, 2024 Hour: 12:15 pm

On Wednesday, Colombian President Gustavo Petro rejected former President Alvaro Uribe’s calls for an uprising of the Armed Forces against his administration.


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Previously, the far-right politician suggested that Petro was not really interested in the fight against irregular groups and that the Colombian Armed Forces should act independently of what the President wants.

In response to the calls for a coup d’état, Petro reminded Uribe that his statements are classified as crimes in the Penal Code.

The Colombian president also reminded the far-right politician that he persecuted human rights defenders and critical thinkers during his term from 2002 to 2010.

The text reads, “Gustavo Petro orders the Armed Forces to respect the constitution and not take up arms against the people. Alvaro Uribe Vélez incites a coup d’état to break democracy. Who is the real terrorist and criminal?

Fifteen years ago, for example, Miguel Beltran, a professor who was attending postdoctoral studies, was accused of terrorism. After three years in prison, however, he was released due to the lack of evidence against him.

“It is State terrorism. They try to silence those of us who think critically, defend human rights, and oppose. Alvaro Uribe embodied State terrorism,” Beltran said.

Currently, the far-right politician, who is being tried for accusations of paramilitarism, is trying to revolt the Colombian armed forces against President Petro.

“Uribe has always maintained that policy. But it’s not just him but also a good part of the Colombian political elite… At this moment, they appeal to citizen security and citizen rights to continue the war,” conflict analyst Jertza Merchan Diaz said.

“When Uribe was president, what was most evident was the violation of human rights and the muzzling of thought,” she added.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: El Pais

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